How many days of bereavement can I access if my mother passes?A member can access five (5) days for the death of a mother. Family members that fall into the category of five (5) days are: father, stepfather, mother, stepmother, brother, stepbrother, sister, stepsister, son, stepson, daughter, stepdaughter, spouse, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or guardian.
How many days of bereavement can I access if my uncle passes?You can access one (1) bereavement day if you have an aunt or uncle pass away.
I am getting a divorce, can ETFO provide me with a lawyer?No, ETFO will only represent an active member in matters that involve their employment.
How do I calculate my summer pay?There is no such thing as summer pay. Teachers are contracted to work 194 days, from September to June. It was negotiated that our salary will be stretched over July and August, so we would not have 2 months without pay. This made it easier for some to budget. This is the reason we are paid 4% on the 15th and 30th of each month. Our last pay of the year, on August 30th will have an extra 4%.
How do I know if I am getting paid properly?Find the pay grid relevant to the year. Find the number of years you have been working and your QECO assessment,find the cell that corresponds. If you have questions you can call the Local Office or the HR Department at the Board.
Can I call in sick on a PD day?Yes, if you are sick on a PD day follow the pre-established protocol for calling in sick to your Principal.
Can the principal “farm out” when a teacher is coaching a sports team at a tournament?Yes, Article 16.09 – Replacement of a Classroom Teacher states, the school principal will make every effort to replace a classroom teacher who is absent due to sick leave, personal leave, bereavement leave or board-mandated professional development/learning with an occasional teacher.
How soon does my preparation time need to be paid back if the Principal directs me to fill in for an absent teacher?Preparation time must be paid back within ten (10) instructional days.
Do I get prep during a 1/2 day PD/CI/PLC?Teachers are entitled to 240 min of preparation time in a five (5) day cycle. If you are scheduled by your principal to attend Board mandated professional development over your assigned preparation time, make your principal aware immediately of such a good guide. Missed preparation time must be repaid within the same five (5) day cycle.
How do I get prep during a field trip?If the teacher has planned the field trip, they have planned to have their preparation time during the field trip. If the principal has assigned a teacher to a field trip then the principal must make arrangements for the teacher to receive their preparation time during the field trip or at another time. The teacher should make the principal aware right away.
Can my principal ask for a sick note if I call in sick?The Collective Agreement states that a member must provide a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner to the Board when they have been absent for five (5) consecutive days or more due to illness. If the Board requests a note for a one-day absence, the teacher should comply and submit the receipt to the Board for the certificate.
My child is sick or has a medical appointment, can I use a sick day?No, Sick Leave is intended for the members use only. If your child is sick or has a medical appointment, a personal day would be appropriate.
Can I take a personal day for a concert/shopping trip/extend a vacation?Personal days were negotiated to attend to matters that happen in a member’s life that cannot be attended to outside of the work day. Personal leave was not negotiated to have a holiday/shopping trip/concert.
How will I know that I’ve used my sick days and I am now using short term leave?The HR Department at the Board keeps track of sick leave. When a member has exhausted their eleven (11) days in any school year, they will be sent a letter stating that they are entering into the 110 days of short-term sick leave paid at 90% salary.
Can I use sick days for medical or dental appointments?Yes. When appointemnts cannot be scheduled outside of the work day.