Local Elections:
The election for the Rainbow Teacher Local 2023-2025 Executive was conducted on March 21st and 22nd, 2023. All Rainbow Teacher Local members in good standing, were eligible to vote. The successful candidates are listed below. Thanks to everyone who put their names forward for election.
ETFO Rainbow Teacher Local Executive 2023-2025
President - Liana Holm
1st Vice President/Treasurer - Meredith Coulas
2nd Vice President - Leane Koskela
Secretary - Melissa McCreight
Manitoulin Geographic Area - Robyn Charbonneau
Espanola Geographic Area - Jennifer Tilston
Designated Positions for Women (2) - Kathy Sutton, Amanda Hardy
Designated Position for Men - Stefan Skogberg
Designated New Teacher Position - Kameni Jaikissoon
Designated FNMI Position -Joanne Roy-Peltier
Open Positions (3) - Savka Borota, Vanessa McAfee, Katie Packman
The term for the new executive will begin July 1, 2023 and continues until June 30, 2025.